siMEM algorithm R code

siMEM (si/shRNA Interference Mixed Effects Model) uses Linear Mixed-Effect Models to predict differential essentiality from panels of functional (shRNA, CRISPR/Cas9) screens.


"Functional Genomic Landscape of Human Breast Cancer Drivers, Vulnerabilities and Resistance"

Richard Marcotte*, Azin Sayad*, Kevin R. Brown, Felix Sanchez-Garcia, Jüri Reimand, Maliha Haider, Carl Virtanen, James E. Bradner, Gary D. Bader, Gordon B. Mills, Dana Pe’er, Jason Moffat and Benjamin G. Neel
Cell, Volume 164, Issues 1–2, 14 January 2016, Pages 293–309

(* Equal Contributions)

Cell | PubMed | Science Direct
Data Website


R Code
